Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Mrs. Kent and Sussex County

Mrs. Kent and Sussex County were crowned March 18, 2007. This was a prelim for the Mrs. Delaware 2008 pageant being held on November 4, 2007. I had the honor of crowning both beautiful women. It was a wonderful pageant and the women were great. Good luck this fall and I hope to see you all compete again.

2008 Contestants

Mrs. Sussex County, Buffy Parker, Mrs. Delaware 2007, and Mrs. Kent County Janell Foster

Mrs. Delaware 1985 Debi Teed Fenimore, Mrs. Delaware 2005 Susanne Truitt and Mrs. Delaware 2007

2008 Mrs. Delaware Contestants with Justine Dohring, official trainer for Mrs. Delaware, and Mrs. Delaware 2007.

Little Miss & Mr. Hawaiian Tropic Pageant

This past weekend I served as a judge for the Little Miss & Mr. Hawaiian Tropic. It was a very well organized pageant and I thank you Rechel for inviting me to be a part of it. Everyone did a wonderful job and good luck to you all at nationals.

The 2007 Little Miss & Mister Titleholders

Emcee: Tina Vickers (International Brilliant Miss 2006) and I